#92 at Roots and Rings
1. Mac or Windows? (Or Linux for you super geeks!)
Windows. I’ve been wanting a Mac, but it’s a bit out of my price range.
2. What drew you to that operating system?
When I bought my first ever laptop, I got Windows because it’s the only operating system that I had ever known. That, and it was within my price range.
3. Mice – Wireless or Wired? Mouse pad or none?
I use my laptop for 98% of my computer time, so I don’t use a mouse at all, just the touchpad. (Is that what it’s called?) When I’m using a desktop, I’m not too picky about the mouse, but Stephen uses a wireless mouse and keyboard which I quite like.
4. Other than the Internet – What do you use your computer most for?
Photos and music. School is starting up in September, so I’ll be using it for my online classes as well. Wait, that requires internet! So…photos and music.
5. What’s one computer-related thing you wish you were best at? (CSS, Photoshop, Excel, etc.)
Photoshop. I haven’t had the patience to sit down and teach myself the basics yet. Although, if I want a nicer camera, I really should start learning Photoshop.
6. Describe the first time you ever used a computer.
To be honest, I don’t remember the first time I ever used a computer. I’ll tell you about my earliest memory though. We were researching things online for a school project about animals. I was researching foxes. When I typed in fox to the search engine, some racy photos appeared. I was so embarrassed!
7. How often do you upgrade to a new operating system?
Um…never? If I get a new computer? I don’t know. I’m so horrible with a lot of computer related things that I rely on Stephen to help me out with that sort of stuff.
8. Are you a short-cutter (CTRL+C) or a right-clicker?
I’d say about half and half.
9. Is computer-use a constant thing in your life (such as using it both at work and home) or do you get a break (because you don’t use them at work)?
Well, since I started bringing my laptop to work, it’s a constant thing in my life. I don’t actually use a computer for my job though, I just use it during nap time.
10. Where do you think the world would be if personal computers did not exist?
Oh man, I can’t even imagine. The amount of creativity that I’ve been exposed to through computer use is the first thing that pops into mind. Without a personal computer, I feel like my creative endeavours would be a lot more limited, so I can only imagine how that would carry over to the rest of the world.