Monday, August 2, 2010

Bloggers In Real Life

My list of bloggers that I’d love to meet in real life is rather long. Unfortunately, most of you guys just live too far away for me to make this a possibility at the moment. There are however, a few bloggers that live in Calgary that I have become friends with.

The first blogger I ever met was Leah, from Five Blondes. Through her blog, I already knew that she lived in Calgary, and through some of her blog posts, I gathered that she actually lived rather close to me. One morning, she tweeted about an incident that happened at her building (cars getting broken in to), which lead me to believe that we might in fact, be neighbors. Without trying to sound too stalker-ish, I sent her a DM on Twitter asking her if we lived in the same building. After a couple of more DM’s trying to identify our building without giving away an exact address, we determined that we did in fact live in the same building! Small world, right? A few weeks later, I was having a couple of friends over to decorate cupcakes, so I decided to take a chance and invite her over. Since then, we’ve gotten together a couple of more times to play Settlers of Catan. (I even got to meet her younger sister Lauren, while she was visiting.) Unfortunately, this past week, Leah moved back to Ontario. While we were only neighbors for a short time, I’m glad Stephen and I had some friends in our building!

The second blogger I met happened this past weekend. Kim from Blair’s Girls lives close to Calgary, and she also happens to make the sweetest little toques. (Check out her website here.) When I became an Aunt, I knew that I had to order this Teddy Bear Toque:
August 1 054

Luckily for me, Kim offered to deliver it in person so that we could meet! On Saturday, Kim and her husband came over to play… Settlers! Stephen and I both had fun, and agreed that we would love to do it again. Hopefully sometime soon, so that I can meet baby Kaiya as well!

settlers I think I may need to buy our own copy of Settlers, since that seems to be what my blog friends like to do when we hang out! Who wants to come over next and join me in a game?

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