Friday, July 30, 2010

7 Quick Takes (Vol 9)

7 quick takes

1. Remember the Craving Fab Pastries Challenge that Fab Brunette and I started up? This month, we were supposed to make Choux Pastry, but I couldn’t get my act together. It’s not supposed to be made on a humid day, so that knocked out half of July anyway. We’re going to extend the challenge, so you’ll have until the end of August to bake it. It would seriously make my month if at least one or two of you participated!


2. I took my Friday Kids to the zoo on Tuesday. We were only there for 4 hours, but those kids wore me out. They’re little firecrackers that don’t ever slow down. I did get some fantastic pictures while were there, but since most of them include my Friday Kids, I’ll just leave you with my favorite shot of a butterfly:

July 28 119

3. I’ve been working long hours and getting home late at night. I need a vacation.

4. My nanny friend and I went window shopping yesterday and I treated her to her first ever Crave cupcake. She had Lemon-Lime Twist, and I had the flavor of the month: S’mores. Yes, they do look exactly like this in real life.

{Lemon-Lime Twist, image found here.}

5. I just realized that it’s a long weekend, and I have absolutely nothing planned. I need to try and fix that soon.

6. I need movie suggestions. I mentioned a little while back that we signed up for (Canada’s version of Netflix). I want to build up our Zip List, so please suggest away!

7. Are we friends on Twitter? Find me here.

(I’m sorry that this post wasn’t all that exciting, I’m a little burned out from the long week that I’ve had. I’ll rest up this weekend though and get back to my happy self once again!)

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