Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Saturday Smiles

Stampede Parade 090

10 things that made me happy this week:

1. I took my Friday kids to their first ever Stampede Parade. (My favorite is always the Budweiser Clydesdales.)
2. My Friday kids met two of my nanny kids, and the girls instantly became friends. So cute!
3. Sipping coffee on my balcony on a cool morning. (Heaven after the hot day we had yesterday.)
4. Ice cold showers. A necessity when it’s around 30C.
5. Reconnecting with old friends.
6. I convinced Stephen to have a picnic with me by the river.
7. We signed up for and got our first two movies this week. (Any recommendations?)
8. Homemade popsicles. (Pink lemonade!)
9. A giant, juicy and sweet watermelon.
10. My favorite French fries, twice in one week. (Once when we went out to eat and once when Stephen recreated them at home.)

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