Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ten on Tuesday


#74 @ Roots and Rings

1. What is your idea best date?
I’m going to go ahead and assume this is supposed to read as what is your idea of the best date. In that case, it’s any date that is geared towards the things I love. If the person has really taken the time to get to know me and find out my interests, and then planned a date around that, then I’m happy! Laughter is also important. We need to be having a good time.

2. How long does it take you to get ready to go on a date?
Not very long, because I’m not much of a girly girl. I also don’t get ready all at once. I’ll shower a couple of hours before, wait for my hair to dry, then start getting ready.

3. What would you wear on the date?
Depends on what we’re doing. I’m a very casual person, so it would be nice to be in comfortable clothing on the date. Clearly, if we’re going somewhere nice, I’d dress up accordingly.

4. If you are married, how often do you go on dates? If you are single, when was your last date?
I’m not married, but my last date with Stephen was on our anniversary. He took me out to dinner and then surprised me with tickets to the ballet.

5. What was your worst date?
I was supposed to meet a guy for coffee, but when I showed up, he decided that we should go for dinner instead. The meal was ok, but at the end when the waitress brought our bill, he asked her to split it in two. I figure if you change our plans last minute, then you should pay for the meal. He then wanted to watch the hockey game, even though I told him I’m not into watching hockey on TV. It was so unbelievably boring that I had him take me home. No joke. Clearly, we never went out on another date.

6. Do you/Did you kiss on your first date?
On my first date with Stephen, he tried to get me to kiss him, but I wouldn’t give him anything more than a peck. Obviously he didn’t mind because we’re still together!

7. If married, how long before you knew he/she was the one? If single, how long before you know if the person is marriage material?
I feel like I knew pretty early on that I wanted to marry Stephen. I can’t really explain why, but I just knew.

8. Do you prefer day dates or night dates?
I don’t really have much of a preference, but my favorite dates with Stephen are ones that last all day/night.

9. How old were you when you first were allowed to date?
My parents never set an age for me to start dating, but I was Mormon as a teenager, and the rule for Mormons is no dating until you’re 16.

10. What is the most embarrassing moment you have had on a date?
I honestly wasn’t much of a dater, so I didn’t really have any embarrassing moments that I can recall. I guess I’m lucky that way!

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