Thursday, April 14, 2011

7 Quick Takes (Vol 34)

1. Stephen and I are trying to plan our summer vacation. The plan is to do Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle in a span of about 8-10 days. So, I'm turning to you guys for recommendations for Seattle. What should we see/do/eat while we're there?

2. While I'm thinking of it, if you know of any awesome blogger based out of Seattle, please link me to it! As Stephen said, bloggers know all the best places.

3. It's been quite the week. I've been feeling under the weather, so work seems like it's been dragging. To try and get over this, I've been going to bed by 9:30pm every night.

4. I have to work tomorrow. I'd really rather not, but I agreed to, so I'm stuck doing it.

5. My Dad's birthday is on Monday, so we're celebrating tomorrow! I believe we're all going bowling and then out for dinner.

6. One of my favorite friends is in town visiting from Abu Dhabi! I'm so excited that she's here, and I'll hopefully be seeing her tonight after work.

7. We got quite the dump of snow yesterday. I'm not sure how much we got (I somehow managed to avoid the news all day), but it was definitely more than our fair share. I had a hard time trying to walk through it to the bus stop yesterday morning! I wish the people who shoveled the sidewalks by our house woke up as early as me!
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