Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ten 0n Tuesday



1. What type of home do you currently reside in? (house, apartment, etc.)
We live in a three bedroom townhouse.

2. If you could completely redecorate one room in your home, what room would you pick, why, and what would you do to it?
Since we’ve only been here a month, the entire house needs to be decorated. However, if you’re paying for it, I’d pick my bedroom. It always gets neglected. I want to buy a king sized bed, new end tables, dresser and artwork.

3. What is your favorite place to gain inspiration for your home decor style?
Blogs, and lots of them.
Young House Love, Brooklyn Limestone, 6th Street Design School, and Decor8 to name a few.

4. What is your favorite piece of decor in your home?
Probably the Kurt Halsey prints that Stephen surprised me with as a Christmas gift one year.

5. What do you want visitors to feel when they visit your home? Do you think your home gives off that feeling?
I want them to feel welcomed and at home. My house might not quite give off that feeling at the moment due to lack of artwork on the walls, but I always do my best to make my guests feel at home.

6. Describe your home in one word and explain why you chose that word.
A work in progress. I couldn’t think of how to phrase that into just one word, but it’s the most fitting at this point. January is going to be all about making this more of a home!

7. What are some predominant colors or patterns in your home?
Green and brown. The paint color (green) wasn’t our choice, but it actually works. Our couches and dining room table are all brown, and in the same room. Might not make much sense, but there will be pictures to come once we’re done decorating.

8. What is your favorite room in your home and why?
At the moment, it’s our living room. I love how cozy it is.

9. Do you take a hands-on or DIY approach to projects around your home or do you enlist or hire help?
I want to take more of a DIY approach in this house. Stephen and I work on projects together and build all of the furniture that we buy. If we had a garage that we could turn into a shop, Stephen would even build some furniture. One day, hopefully!

10. Where is your favorite place to shop for home furnishings?
My favorite place that I can afford is Ikea. I wish I could afford Pottery Barn though!

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