I’m hoping to make this a weekly feature on my blog, but you’ll have to forgive me if it doesn’t work out that way.
Disclaimer: While I do love to bake, I am by no means an expert. I’m still new to this and still produce my share of failures. I just want to be able to share what little bit of knowledge I do have with others and show them that baking isn’t scary!
This week we’re going to ease into baking with a peek at my baking pans and my favorite baking blogs. I was recently asked (in a comment here on my blog) how many baking tins I own. Being the crazy person I am, I took them all out, counted them and took a picture. I make no apologies. Here’s the list:
1 square brownie tin
2 muffin tins
3 loaf pans
4 mini loaf pans
3 spring form pans
1 Bundt cake pan
1 giant cupcake pan
2 cookie sheets
3 pie plates
This list doesn’t include anything else that pertains to baking. I have decorating bags, icing tips, spatulas, cookie cutters, sprinkles, extracts, etc… But that isn’t stopping me, I want more.
Now for my favorite baking blogs. Some of these I just read for inspiration, others I actually take recipes from. I’m always looking for new ones, so feel free to recommend any not listed!
17 and Baking: She bakes lovely things and takes even lovelier pictures. I feel like we should be friends!
52 Kitchen Adventures: Brand new blog added to my Google Reader. Not all of the posts are baking related, but I love that she is using unusual ingredients.
Annie’s Eats: Again, not limited to just baking, but you’ll find some great ideas on her blog!
Bake at 350: I love looking at the pretty pictures of pretty cookies!
Bakerella: When I grow up, I want to be Bakerella. She’s my biggest source of inspiration. She’s also writing a book. Guess who’s going to buy it when it comes out?
Buns In My Oven: Another blog that’s not entirely devoted to baking, but I never fail to get hungry when reading this blog.
How to Eat a Cupcake: She provided me with my go to banana espresso muffin recipe. I eat them for breakfast.
Joy The Baker: I love Joy! I wish I lived closer so I could attend one of her classes.
Not Without Salt: Gorgeous pictures that will make you want to bake, guaranteed.
Pioneer Woman: More cooking than baking, but I really couldn’t forget to include her! She also gives away Kitchen Aid stand mixers like they’re candy. (I wish I could give away even one!)
Recipe Girl: Again, not just baking, but there’s a few recipes I’m dying to try out!
Savory Sweet Life: Her banner says exactly what I love about her: Everyday recipes from an everyday home cook!
Smitten Kitchen: Another one of those blogs where I never fail to walk away hungry. Her baby also happens to be ridiculously adorable.
Sweetopia: Purely an inspiration blog for me, I haven’t yet dabbled in cookie decorating. Check out the blog though, you won’t be sorry you did.
The Red Deer: I originally found this blog because she baked a cupcake for every letter of the alphabet. Clearly we need to be friends. She’s currently doing 20 Sweets in 20 Weeks.
Next week I hope to start posting recipes for my favorite go to baked goods.
I’d like some feedback though: What do you want to see? Anything you don’t want to see? Could you even care less about this?