Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Things Will Get Better

Stephen and I have had a lot on our plates lately. It seems like one problem after another kept presenting itself, and before we knew it, we were completely overwhelmed. After tweeting a few times pleas to the Universe to help a girl out, two amazing blog friends emailed me to make sure I was alright. Thanks girls, your kind words mean more to me than you may realize.

only get better

(Image via The Notebook Doodles)

A couple of weeks ago, I stumbled across The Notebook Doodles, a cute blog filled with images that all spoke to me. After clicking back through goodness knows how many pages, I found this image and immediately made it my background. I needed this little reminder that everything would indeed get better.

In order for things to get better, Stephen and I had to be proactive about it. I haven’t been getting nearly enough hours at work, so I started searching out other families to help me make up those hours. Since then, I’ve added two families, with the promise of a May Long Weekend job and was recommended to one of the new family’s friend’s. I’m slowly building up my client base again. It feels good.

We’ve also decided to cut unnecessary expenses where we can, so cable is the first to go. We also caught wind of an offer that Telus was offering to entice new users to sign with them. First time customers would get a free laptop! On top of that, the first few months are half price. Thanks to these things, we’re getting back on track and not feeling nearly as stressed as we had been the past couple of weeks. We’re even doing research and starting to save up to get a new camera!

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