Monday, April 26, 2010

My Guilty Pleasures

I’ve got a lot of guilty pleasures. When I’m having a bad day, I like to indulge in a few of them to make me feel better. However, some of them are definitely every day kind of guilty pleasures. Here’s a few, in no particular order:StarbucksImage via We Heart It

Starbucks: White Mochas, Peppermint Mochas at Christmastime, Iced Coffees and Passion Tea Lemonades in the summer. I love Starbucks. Buying me a drink will land you in my good graces.

Chocolate: What girl doesn’t love indulging in chocolate? Lindor is my favorite.

Ice Cream: I’m not sure if I’ve talked about my love for ice cream on here before, but oh my, do I ever love ice cream. I’m always trying to convince Stephen to go out for ice cream with me.

When I’m having a particularly bad day, I love to get in my pajamas, drink some Starbucks and eat some chocolate and ice cream. It’s the perfect cure to just about anything.

Reality TV: I watch an absurd amount of reality shows. I could probably dedicate an entire post to my love of them!
cellphone My Cell Phone: Two Christmases ago, Stephen bought me the HTC Touch Dual. I love this dang thing a little too much. I’m rarely without it, and when I am, I feel kind of lost.

Magazines (of any kind): I rarely buy magazines any more, but I love them all. My Mom buys all of the gossip magazines I love reading but would never buy. Once she’s done reading them, she drops them off for me! Me newest love? Martha Stewart. When did I grow up?

Blogs: Does this count as a guilty pleasure? The first thing I think about doing when I get home from a long day at work is laying on the couch to catch up on my Google Reader. Baking blogs are my biggest guilty pleasure!

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