Friday, April 9, 2010

101 in 1001 Update

Original list can be found here.

#49. Make Proper Cabbage Rolls.

My Mom and Grandma would make us cabbage rolls when we were kids, so I’ve always had fond memories of that particular dinner. Without even noticing it for a while, my Mom stopped making cabbage rolls! When I moved out and became in charge of my own cooking, I was making a mental list of things that I wanted to make. Cabbage rolls made their way back into my mind, and I knew I had to make them. Only problem was, I was a little bit intimidated by them. As someone who doesn’t exactly like to cook, the thought of rolling up all of those cabbage rolls didn’t exactly seem appealing. I then remembered that my nanny family makes “Lazy Cabbage Rolls”, which is basically a cabbage roll casserole. You make the same filling, shred the cabbage and throw it into a casserole dish to bake in the oven. Stephen and I both loved it. But even Stephen wanted proper cabbage rolls, and so he requested them!Several months later, I actually got bored enough to tackle this particular item.

cabbage rolls

While my cabbage rolls were good, they still weren’t the cabbage rolls of my childhood that I remembered. Stephen and I both agreed that my lazy cabbage rolls were much more successful. I’m still marking this off my list as a success, because technically, there was nothing wrong with them. I’m just too picky for my own good sometimes. It’s hard living up to a memory! I fully intend of getting my Mom to show me how she makes hers.

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