I had the past week off work, and while that really couldn’t have come at a worst time, I decided to make the best of it. I loaded my laptop up with movies, borrowed the Wii from my parents and made plans to do lots of reading.
The week flew by, and I didn’t start getting bored until last night, which is a new record for me. I watched 6 movies (!), finished off a book and went for some walks. I don’t usually like going for walks by myself, unless I have a final destination/purpose in mind. Thursday, I walked downtown to go to the library. On the way there, I walked the quickest path, since I was just too excited to get some new books. I wasn’t as successful as I had hoped I would be, but I did walk away with three new books. When I left, I realized just how gorgeous and sunny it was out. I couldn’t just walk straight home with my head down, I had to explore a little. So, with that in mind, I zigzagged my entire way home. It took me a bit longer than normal, but each new street held the promise of being even better than the last one.I actually stopped for once and admired the Calgary Tower. I don’t normally pay attention to it, since it’s not even the tallest building in Calgary, I never found it to be very impressive. That day however, it made me nostalgic for The CN Tower in Toronto. I appreciated the Calgary a little bit more.
When I got closer to home, I discovered a gorgeous library a mere 9 blocks from my apartment. I had been passing by it every day without realizing it, because I pass by on the street behind it. I didn’t stop in this time (my bag of hard cover books were starting to get heavy), but I now have plans to check it out next time. There’s benches all around, so I can just tell that I’ll be reading out front at least one time this summer. (Hello, summer list!)
Friday, Stephen asked me to go run an errand for him. I honestly had no desire to walk to his bank, but this needed to get done. I decided that I was going to take a different route this time, and explore some more.
This bench full of frogs isn’t anything new to me (it’s up the street from me), but I just felt the need to get a picture. I’ve never understood it.
I wandered down side streets and past gorgeous homes and apartments that I could never afford. I found tree lined streets that are going to be just gorgeous once the trees start blooming. I even wandered past a house that has a cow on their top balcony.
Go ahead, click on the picture to make it bigger. I just can’t understand why anyone would want a cow on their balcony. I also love the color of this house!
I got so into wandering, admiring the houses and side streets that what should have been a half hour walk at the most turned into an hour long walk. It was wonderful.
My mission for the next walk? Walk the opposite direction and head for the river! I’ve lived in this apartment for 4 months now, and still haven’t walked over to the river that is a mere few blocks away.