Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Week In Review

Work this week kicked my but. But we all knew that anyway considering I wrote about it already.
I normally have extra long weekends, so Thursday I spent the day trying to plan out my fondue party. Do you know what I realized? Trying to decorate your apartment for Halloween with zero budget (because you're saving for a damage deposit since your moving in a month) is HARD. Luckily I went to the dollar store and picked up some stuff to make the place a little more festive. I also convinced the boyfriend that dropping nearly $75 on food for the party is actually a very good idea. I really need to stop liking the whole entertaining my friends business because we're going to end up living in a box.

Friday, Stephen announces to me that we have an appointment to look at a condo. I get all excited, but then start freaking out because it's further away than I originally wanted to move, and adding more time to my already hour long commute is not cool. Stephen convinced me to just come look at the place and told me that if we both liked it, it would be solely up to me whether or not we apply for it. Can you guess what happens next? We go look at it, and we fall in love. I'm talking giddy, dancing in the kitchen, smother you with kisses kind of love. It's got a full size oven and fridge. The oven is on a big island for crying out loud! There's more cupboard and drawer space than I could even dream of, and there's hardwood floors for crying out loud!!! We filled out a rental application and should hopefully find out this week if we get it. Keep your fingers crossed!
That night I went with two friends to see Paper Heart. I found it to be ridiculously cute and it made me feel all mushy and gushy about love. We then headed to Denny's for a late night snack. I haven't been to Denny's that late since I was a teenager!

Saturday was Halloween, and my day of procrastination! I had trouble getting my act together and actually accomplishing things. I left the cleaning to the last minute...and my costume was thrown together half an hour before guests arrived. I feel like I totally cheated...I went as a "Nudist on Strike". People got a kick out of it regardless. The fondue was a hit, but now I've got a ton of leftovers. Note to self: 3 baguettes is two baguettes too many. The extras do go well with leftover chili though. We ended off the night by watching Halloween. Appropriate, yes?

Today I had every intention of cleaning up the dishes from last night but...they're still in the sink. I've just been too lazy. (Don't judge) Also, got a call from work this morning. The oldest girl I nanny may definitely have H1N1. I am now stuck with a week off work and nothing to do. I'm kind of freaking out a little bit. I'm trying to reassure myself that since she started Jr. High this year, my contact with her has been reduced to just an hour or two every day. I still can't help but think that every cough may be the onset of H1N1. Paranoid much? Yup, you betcha.
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