Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Top 10 Moments

Last month, Claudia tagged me in a meme. Like the pro blogger that I am, it slipped my mind and I forgot about it, oops. Hopefully I can make up for that by writing out my answers now! Head on over to Claudia’s blog to read her answers.

1. Discovering my passion for baking.
I didn’t always have this passion, so I’m thankful that I was able to discover (in the last few years) that I adore baking. It’s a great stress reliever for me, and I just love feeding the people around me yummy food!

2. Meeting Stephen.
The reasons for this one are pretty obvious: He loves me unconditionally, encourages my passions and is just an all around amazing guy. I don’t think anyone else could ever put up with my crazy.

3. Moving out for the first time.
Yeah, I moved out with Stephen. It was seriously awesome, and I loved those 4 months in his apartment.

4. Moving into the condo.
It was the first time that Stephen and I lived alone. I felt like we had hit the jackpot with the condo we had found: it was affordable, in downtown, and had an awesome kitchen. It was tiny though, so we only lasted there a year.

5. Getting my proof of Canadian citizenship.
This is something that I’ve never blogged about because it’s been a fairly private struggle for me. It’s a bit of a long story that I don’t care to get in to, but just know that when I opened up the envelope containing the proof of citizenship card, I cried tears of joy.

6. Realizing what I want to do with my life.
I don’t know for sure if this one counts as it hasn’t quite happened yet, but I feel a sense of calm knowing that I’ve figured out what the heck I want to do with my life.

7. Getting my current jobs.
I’ve always liked being a nanny, but it’s my current two jobs that made me realize that I LOVE my job. I feel awesome knowing that I can say with confidence that I love my job, since not many people can say the same.

8. Moving on from a toxic friendship.
During the friendship, I didn’t see just how toxic it was for me. The end of the friendship was messy and hurt like hell, but once it was over, I realized how this was the best thing for me. I had felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders. I now have little patience for toxic people in my life.

9. The Women of Wonder Project.
This may not seem like a big deal at all, but the fact that a company came across my blog and then offered me all of these amazing opportunities was a big deal to me. Blogging has been such a good thing in my life!

10. Moving into the townhouse.
Another move? Yeah, they’re big deals to me. We had a hard time trying to find a place to live after the condo, and Stephen looked at this place by himself, then signed the lease without me even seeing the place. I trusted him completely, and with good reason because I love this place! Stephen knows me better than I know myself. Cheesy, but so true.

I feel like if I get married and start having a family, then half the things on this list wouldn’t even matter in comparison. Just thought I’d throw that in there since I feel like my list may seem trivial in the grand scheme of things.

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