Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. You’re packing for a week long vacation, do you pack ahead of time or wait until the last possible minute to pack?
I'd get excited and start thinking early on about what I'd like to pack, but I'd realistically not start packing until a day or two before. Actually, probably not until the night before, after I've done laundry.

2. Are you a light or heavy packer?
I think I'm a bit of a heavy packer. I swear every time that I won't pack so much, but I always end up taking things that I don't end up using. Can you imagine what it'll be like when I have kids? Scary!

3. What are your favorite road trip snacks?
Junk: chips, candy, chocolate, pop and juice. If I'm with my Dad, then we stop at several Tim Horton's on the way, so my staples then include iced cappuccinos and Tim Bits.
Oh, and all of that junk above? That's not all consumed at one time!

4. Do you take any reading material along?
Always, especially because I'm not a driver. If it's a long car ride, I'll even take more than one book.

5. Do you prefer to drive or fly to your vacation destination?
Since flying is obscenely expensive here, driving is necessary. I do really love flying, though I haven't done it in years. Hopefully next year though!

6. What is your favorite time of the year to take your vacation?
Anytime, honestly. I never have the chance to go on vacations, so I'm just thankful to get out of the city when I can.

7. Where is your favorite place to vacation?
Out of the (limited) places that I've been, it's between Vancouver and Toronto. I'm definitely a big city kind of girl.

8. You are vacationing in the mountains, what is your favorite thing to do while there?
If the weather is nice, then get out and explore! Hiking is always fun. If the weather is bad (as in winter), then i love curling up with a hot drink and a cozy blanket. My uncles used to live in this amazing house with a giant window that had a gorgeous view of the mountains. I loved spending Christmases there!

9. You are at the beach for your vacation, do you like to take it easy on the beach or play all day in the water?
I'd say a mixture of both, but I've never been to a true beach.

10. While your on vacation do you prefer to eat out every night or cook some of your own meals?
I prefer eating out. Half the fun of vacation for me is the food (Stephen and I spend forever researching good places to eat), so I wouldn't want to waste my time cooking! However, if I were to ever go on a long vacation (several weeks or more), then I'd like the chance to be able to cook. As if I'd ever have the time or money to go on a vacation that long though!
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