Thursday, July 15, 2010

Salted Brown Butter Rice Krispie Treats

I’ve been having an off baking week; the peanut butter cookies that turned out into flat discs, the ginger cookies with the dough that turned out too dry and then the giant red velvet cupcake that didn’t bake evenly and the icing that I didn’t let thicken enough. The cupcake was supposed to be in honor of my blog’s first birthday. Oh yeah, I’m the type of person who would have baked her blog a cake (any excuse to bake, really), but it just didn’t work out in my favor.

How did I solve my baking dilemma? It’s easy. I needed something easy to restore my confidence. I opened up my bookmarked recipes and found Smitten Kitchen’s Salted Brown Butter Rice Krispie Treats and knew I had a winner. Not exactly baked, but I needed to create a dessert to make me happy. I immediately changed into my pajamas and got to work. In no time, I had amazing brown butter that was intoxicating me with its nutty flavor. All it takes is some brown butter to make this girl happy!
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Since it’s my blog’s birthday, I added a candle. It was the right thing to do. I had stuck some scrapbook paper below my Rice Krispie Treat in an effort to change up my pictures and couldn’t resist throwing this paper in as well. It’s the little things that make me happy.
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Salted Brown Butter Rice Krispie Treats
As seen on Smitten Kitchen

Notes: I put the treats in a baking dish that was a bit on the large size (I don’t have an in between size), so my treats a little thinner than usual. I’m definitely making this my go to recipe for Rice Krispie Treats.

(Printable Recipe)

1/2 cup butter
40 large marshmallows
1/4 tsp coarse sea salt (I used Kosher)
6 cups Rice Krispies Cereal

1.Grease a glass baking dish.

2.In a large pot, over medium heat, brown butter. (Stages: it will melt, foam, turn a clear golden and then turn brown). Keep a close eye on the butter, it will burn quickly.

3. Once butter is browned, stir in marshmallows until melted. Remove pot from heat.

4. Stir in Rice Krispies and salt. Quickly spread into prepared baking dish. Let cool and cut into squares.

For a self proclaimed cupcake lover, I’m actually quite surprised to realize that I’ve never posted a cupcake recipe on my blog. I need to remedy that soon; I promise that I’ve still been baking cupcakes though.

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