Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

All about Pasta
1. Red Sauce or White Sauce?
I’m not picky, so it just depends on what type of pasta dish I’m trying to make. I typically use more red sauces though.
2. Do you prefer pasta you can twirl or stab? I prefer pasta that I can stab.
3. Baked or boiled? Baked, especially if there’s lots of cheese involved.
4. Do you like meat in your sauce or do you kick it vegetarian style? It just depends on what kind of mood I’m in. I often like to make a meat sauce with a bunch of frozen vegetables thrown in.
5. Where have you had your very best pasta ever? There was this great little Italian restaurant next to a dog groomer's. It honestly was tiny, and there were so many people there. I can’t even remember what kind of pasta I ate, or the name of the place, but it was amazing. Some memory, huh?
6. What is your favorite pasta dish? Just pasta in general! I’m not quite sure if there’s one I favor more than others, but I do make a really good BBQ Chicken Mac and Cheese.
7. Do you serve meatballs when you make spaghetti or just do a meat sauce? Normally, we just do a meat sauce. If we’re up to the extra work, then Stephen will make meatballs.
8. What type (rice, whole wheat, egg, etc) of noodles do you use? Just regular noodles? I have no idea what they’re called, but I don’t use anything different.
9. What type of meats or vegetables do you put in your sauce? Typically just ground beef. As for vegetables, I usually just throw in a frozen mixture that normally consists of peas and carrots and such. Nothing fancy when I’m cooking. (Baking is where I get fancy!)
10. Do you make a “Sunday gravy” to use throughout the week or do you just open a jar of whatever and heat it up? (No judgment on this one!) If I’m cooking, then the sauce is coming out of a jar. If Stephen’s making it, he’ll make the sauce from scratch. He just made an amazing Chicken Americano, actually!
P.S. I’ve never heard of “Sunday gravy” before.
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