I’ve been awarded a couple of blog awards lately, so I figured it was about time I posted about them!
Back in August, Amanda at Teasingly Diverse awarded me the “You’re Going Places, Baby” award. I can’t believe I took so long to post about it! (Sorry, Amanda.) Here are the rules: describe where you'll be in 10 years, and nominate 10 bloggers.
As cliché as you may think it sounds, I hope that in 10 years (I’ll be 34), I’ll own my own home, be married to Stephen and have some children. Hopefully I’ll be a stay at home Mom as well! I’ve even entertained the idea of having a day home, so that I can still work with kids, but also stay home with my own children.
Kara from Chatter, and Rebecca from The Blessings of Modern Domestication awarded me The Versatile Blogger award. I’m supposed to tell you seven things about myself and then pass it on to 15 bloggers.
1. After I take a shower, I get really itchy. It doesn’t happen all the time, more like 75% of the time.
2. I want to live in Toronto, or Vancouver some day.
3. I love being around my family. We’re loud and opinionated, but I love everyone just the same. It makes life more interesting!
4. I’m a homebody. I’d much rather have my friends come over than go out.
5. I love going out to eat. I’ve got a running list of restaurants that I want to try in Calgary.
6. I give everyone nicknames, even my guinea pigs. Theirs are Pigglypuff and Oreo Pudding. I don’t really have an explanation for those though.
7. I could eat ice cream every day if possible.
I’m passing the above two awards to any of my followers that would like it!
Have a fantastic Monday friends!