I’m currently sitting on the couch nursing a cold and a cup of Neocitran Tea. In fact, I’ve pretty much been sitting here all day. Makes for an exciting Valentine’s Day, no? Stephen and I actually didn’t have anything planned. He’s at work for a couple of hours, so we’ve got some ribs in the slow cooker so that we can have a late dinner when he gets home. I also baked him some brownies and cut them into heart shapes for dessert. I had planned on also baking him some muffins and wrapping them up with a note telling Stephen that he’s “My Stud Muffin” (I’m totally a cheesy romantic), but I barely got through the brownies last night without passing out. I don’t need grand romantic gestures on Valentine’s Day (or any day), and while I wouldn’t mind them at all, it’s the little things that make me happy. Doing the dishes, helping me clean up, making dinner with me, watching a movie together. That’s all I need to be happy.
Thursday night, we got a guinea pig. After begging Stephen for a pet, then getting the ok and posting status update on Facebook, a friend of mine offered me her guinea pig completely free. She wanted her to have a better home where she could get more love. Heck yes, I’ll take her! We’ve renamed her Piglet. She’s still really skittish, but she’s starting to warm up to me. Stephen’s still to big and scary, so Piglet runs every time he walks by. (Click to make bigger. I apologize for the picture quality. I did my best for a camera phone.)
Friday night, Stephen called me from work to ask if I could meet him at the clinic down the street from us. Apparently someone was scraping grease off the grill and it landed on Stephen’s arm, leaving him with a nice sized burn. While walking over, I have to walk past an alleyway. A car was coming out of it, so I paused, and when the driver stopped, I assumed he was stopping for me, so I kept walking. Nope, he didn’t see me! He started driving right into me…thankfully he noticed pretty quick and stopped. When he rolled down the window to ask if I was ok, I noticed he was on a cell phone. Come on! Use some common sense and get off the phone while you’re driving! I got to the clinic and waited around for an hour for Stephen to get checked out. We ended up having to dish out $80 for pain meds and burn cream. Worker’s Comp should cover it though. Stephen’s doing ok, he says it doesn’t hurt, as long as I remember not to rub up against it. Oops.
I received for the Sunshine award from Ms. Ebony Jewel over at Seize the Moments.
I’m supposed to follow these rules:
1. Put the award on your blog (on the sidebar or in one of your posts)
2. Pass it on to 6 fellow bloggers and let them know they have received it
3. Share the love & provide a link back to the person from whom you've received it
4. Bask in the warm sunshine of your new found fame
So here’s my six bloggers!
1. Andi @ Fuegita Bonita
2. Hayley @ Blue Eyed Blonde
3. Erin @ My Way This Time
4. Jessica @ Play Pen
5. Kim @ Perfectly Cursed Life
6. Kara @ Chow’s Chatter…