Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ten On Tuesday

I'm easing my way back into blogging, and what better way to start off than with some Ten on Tuesday questions?

1. What did you get for Christmas?
A bunch of gift cards and some things to hang in our new place, along with a bunch of little things.

2. Have you taken down your Christmas decorations?
We did that yesterday. Our tree was dead and needed to come down, so I figured that I may as well take down the rest of the decorations with it.

3. What did you do for New Years Eve?
Just stayed home and celebrated with Stephen and his Mom. It was really low key.

4. Do you like accents?
Yes, provided I can understand them.

5. What kind of television do you have?
We've got a 42 inch Samsung flat screen TV. At least, I think it's Samsung? I don't pay too much attention to those sorts of things.

6. Did you make any changes at the beginning of 2012?
Not yet. Stephen and I do have plans of eating healthier, and just trying to lead an overall healthier lifestyle, but that hasn't started yet. I wouldn't call it a New Year's resolution though, it's something that we decided to do after the Christmas season is over.

7. What’s the last book you read and do you recommend it?
Confession: I can't remember the last book that I've read. It pains me to say that, considering how much I love to read. I resolve to read more this year though, and blogs don't count.

8. Do you stay current on celebrity gossip?
Not really, no. I usually hear of stuff through Twitter, and via Stephen, of he reads something good on Reddit.

9. Do you know the words to Bohemian Rhapsody? Gangstas Paradise? Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
I know most of the words to Bohemian Rhapsody, I'm fairly certain that I know all the words to Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and I only know one line of Gangstas Paradise.

10. What is your favorite education television show?
Umm...I'm not really sure that I watch any educational shows, at least, none that I can think of right now. I'm a bit of a reality junky.
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