Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blogger Meet Up

A few weeks ago, one of my Twitter friends tweeted a link to a Calgary bloggers meet up. I was immediately interested, but much too chicken to go on my own, so I brushed it off. Not too long ago, my sister and her boyfriend started blogging, so I asked if they’d be interested in going with me. They were up for it!

It was held in a coffee shop last night. I had absolutely no idea what to expect, but figured this would be good for us anyway. As more people started filing in and filling in name tags with their Twitter handles and blog names, I quickly realized that I didn’t know a single person. I had seen the RSVP list before I came, and was ok knowing that at least  two or three people that I followed on Twitter would be there. Turns out, not a single one of my Twitter friends showed up! I felt like a party crasher, but our hostess and some other bloggers made us feel welcome anyway.

The group was a good mixture of old and new bloggers, and I loved hearing everyone’s perspective on blogging. It’s not often I find someone that blogs. This appeared to be the first known blogger meet up in a while, so Merry (the hostess) is hoping to organize more of them in the future. Despite the fact that I can be totally awkward, I’m hoping to go to more of these so that I can make some new friends. We filled out little questionnaires to provide ideas for future meet ups, with one of the suggestions being a potluck. There were several food bloggers in a attendance, so I think it’s safe to say that this would be a great idea! You can count on me to bring some dessert.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to attempt to find everyone on Twitter. Have you ever been to a bloggers meet up? If you’re a Calgary blogger that didn’t attend last night, would you like me to inform you when there’s another meet up?

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